Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an unpleasant disease with long-term and often imperceptible progression. The disease occurs due to disruption of normal function and degenerative destruction of parts of the vertebrae. Unlike the neck and waist, the thoracic region is less likely to develop osteochondrosis due to its low mobility.

Symptoms of 1st degree thoracic osteochondrosis
Grade 1 osteochondrosis does not show obvious characteristic symptoms, so a person decides to seek help from a doctor. Often, emerging diseases are confused with other diseases in the body: arrhythmias, pneumonia, gastritis. As a result of inaction, the disease continued to progress, presenting a more severe clinical picture.
The first-degree osteochondrosis course with few symptoms can be explained by the peculiarities of the spinal structure. However, there are several symptoms that are best to watch out for:
- Feeling pain in the chest area. May be confused with intercostal neuralgia;
- Unpleasant recoil in the shoulders;
- tingling in the heart, kidneys, or stomach;
- The spine has no obvious pain symptoms.
In stage 1, only compaction and loss of elasticity of the cartilaginous intervertebral tissue occur. The spine is still flexible. Diagnosis is difficult because the disease manifests primarily in other parts of the body without the pathology manifesting in direct places.
Symptoms of Degree 2 Thoracic Osteochondrosis
Transition of the disease to stage 2 means reduced disc height. As a result, the spine becomes unstable and the vertebrae gain unhealthy mobility. During this stage, patients experience severe pain, which indicates a problem with the spine.
Grade 2 thoracic osteochondrosis is associated with pathological changes that are difficult to restore to a healthy state compared to grade 1 disease. The morphological symptoms of the disease are the rupture of capsules and the formation of protrusions. What often occurs at this stage is the cracking of the annulus. As a result, the pain sensation is clearly felt directly in the affected area of the spine, thus greatly simplifying the diagnosis. Clinically, this osteochondrosis looks like this:
- Repeated pain in the chest;
- Pinch in the chest.
- Discomfort occurs when you stay in one position for a long time;
- Severe pain when you try to put your hand behind your head;
- lower blood pressure;
- The presence of scoliosis.
Grade 2 osteochondrosis occurs as a result of untreated or poor quality treatment of grade 1 disease.
Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis degree 3
If treatment of 2nd degree osteochondrosis is ineffective or untimely, the disease advances to the next, more dangerous stage3.
Morphologically, the annulus fibrosus is partially or completely destroyed in the patient's spine. The ability of the vertebrae to hold and absorb shocks is drastically reduced, leading to the formation of herniated discs and hernias, followed by nerve compression. Symptoms are permanent and severe, causing complete discomfort:
- severe pain when coughing, breathing deeply, or just laughing;
- persistent pain in the affected area of the back;
- Intercostal neuralgia;
- feel heartache
- Numbness and spasms may occur in the extremities;
- limited hand movement;
- biliary dyskinesia and signs of pancreatitis;
- A tingling sting in the solar plexus.
All of the above symptoms are largely permanent OCD. Pain increases dramatically after each dynamic or static load and persists even in the supine position. If this stage also begins, bone marrow changes and disability occurs.
Treatment of thoracic vertebral osteochondrosis 2 and 3 degrees
There is only a small chance that the disease will go in the opposite direction. Basically, in the treatment of osteochondrosis, having a grade 2 or 3, slows or stops the degenerative progression of the disease.
All proposed methods and treatments are divided into pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
- medical. The main directions doctors prescribe are pain relief, stimulation of tissue microcirculation, and reduction of inflammation. Medications can relieve uncomfortable symptoms and help improve a patient's health. Depending on the presentation of the disease, people with osteochondrosis may be treated with the following medications:
- Relieve persistent pain. Prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Keep fluid in the disc cavity. Papain is recommended;
- Relieve cramps and squeezing. Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics help;
- Restores the healthy state of cartilage tissue. The uptake of chondroprotective agents is shown.
- non-drug. This therapy has positive effects both on its own and in combination with traditional therapies. There are many ways in the world to improve the condition of people with osteochondrosis. There are:
- Produce funds according to the recommendations of traditional medicine. Used in infusions and decoctions of celery root or sunflower root, in various ointments.
- acupuncture;
- Assist with manual and isometric post-treatment;
- physiotherapy;
- plastic massage;
- Modify the patient's lifestyle and nutrition;
- Traction and fixation of vertebrae.
In the case of grade 3 osteochondrosis, resort to surgical intervention is usually required, among other methods. In addition, the drugs listed can be used in combination with taking hormonal medications such as prednisone.
Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that needs attention. To prevent its development, various preventive procedures are recommended, integrating physical education into life and following healthy eating rules.